Thursday, May 26, 2016

Make America Great Again!

             Donald Trump is vying for a presidential nomination from the Republican party.  One of his main campaign slogans is: "Make America Great Again"  This is a total joke to me as an African American.  What greatness is he referring to, that is the big question here???  Donald considers himself a conservative and is trying to appeal to the very left-wing of the population.  What I believe he is truly referring to is  regressing  back as a nation to a time where bigotry and racism were staples of the American social norms for Caucasians.
            Donald is playing on the fears and misguided hopes of the many of the left-wingers.  The fears I refer to are of  the eroding of the power and privilege that comes with being Caucasian in America.  American has become more and more diverse in recent times, not just in population but in division of power as well.   
The misguided hopes are based in them believing  that  if Trump becomes president, their lives will immediately change for the better.  This is totally misguided, Trump is only out for Trump.   This hope is just as misguided as those African Americans that believe that somehow everything would change for the better in their lives just as soon as Obama was elected to the presidency.  Lower class Caucasians will not suddenly become upper class if Trump is elected.  It is this ignorance though, that is a large contributor  to his momentum .

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Whats my name?

               There is a movement recently for women that marry to not take their husband's last name. This is not an entirely new concept at all.  I was listening to a radio program recently and the host was making the argument that it really doesn't matter if the bride takes the grooms name.  The main points of her argument  were: one she felt that she should not lose her individual identity just because she got married and second that she also wanted to honor her side of the family when or if there were children as a result of the marriage.  I'm certainly all for people having the right to choose whatever they want for their name.  Where I find fault in her argument is the logic of it.
                The first logical fallacy is that she somehow would lose her individual identity by taking her husband's last name.  Does she not know that her maiden name is the same as her father's not her mothers.  Further more, is is most likely her great great grandfather's and beyond last name as well. So she is still leaving out all of the maternal representation anyway.
                The second fault in the logic in my opinion is where does all of the hyphenation end with regard to the children.  After just a few generations peoples last names would have several hyphenations, that is down right silly to me and frankly becomes useless at that point.